Sunday, February 6, 2011

Spoiler Alert!: The Best Commercial from the 2011 Super Bowl

I hate spoilers as much as the next person. But really, you should see this. Volkswagen has a commercial that is brilliant on so many levels.

Yes, it's "cutesy" in that the child wants to do something seen only in the movies. But we can all relate to that, can't we? Didn't we all grow up with that one true fantasy of what we could be? Of what we might possibly be?

The child continuously struggles with the force. Through constant disappointment, the child keeps trying, keeps hoping. And with failure after failure, "Darth" keeps trying.

Now watch the video, and try and tell me that you can't relate......


It is amazing, right?

We all grew up wanting to do this and do that; wanting to be this and be that. And for a lot of us, we ran into enough obstacles and/or were told "You can't do that" just enough, that we lost hope. And here we are, doing what we do. Maybe we love it. Maybe we don't. But we're doing it.

Sometimes we still run into people that tell us we can't do what we want to do, that we can't be what we want to be.

How much would you give, right now, for a dad with a remote to the car?

Sure, we all know a person can't start a car with "the force." But what if, for one moment, each of us had one person in our lives that would let us believe, that would help us believe, that anything is possible. Anything.

I'm sure a lot of us still yearn for the innocence of our youthful desires. To be a fireman. To be an astronaut. To be a football player. To be a teacher. An author. A scientist. Whatever it might be.

I feel like this commercial encourages all of us, not just the kids or the parents, to be what we want to be. To be who we want to be.


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