Welcome to Flotsam & Jetsam, my new blog.
I had a previous blog, but it fell by the wayside when I started working for Geeks Who Drink, the coolest pub quiz company on the planet (Geeks is in 13 states now, so check out the website to see if there's a pub quiz near you). If you don't know what a pub quiz is, well, it's like trivia, but cooler.
The point is that my blogging for Geeks tuckered me out, and left little time for my personal blog. But upon the advice of my bestest buddy, TheKevin, I'm taking a feature of my Geeks blogs, Flotsam & Jetsam, and super sizing it. I'll concentrate mostly on brief blurbs about whatever crosses my mind, but will occasionally write more lengthy entries as well. Whatever floats my boat. I might even import some of my old blog entries.
And as an added bonus, TheKevin will be contributing to the blog as well, so Flotsam & Jetsam will have double the pleasure, double the fun! And hell, I might even hook up with other writers, too. We'll see how things go.
In the meantime, you can catch me here, on my pub quiz's blog at the Geeks website, and at the British Bulldog on Monday nights at 8.
Peace out, G-funk!
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