Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Murderloving Jackass Says What?

I got into a brief argument last week with a militia-style psycho. I know, I know; I just wrote a blog about being less of an asshole and not arguing with crazypeople, but it was fairly innocent. I saw someone comment on a friend's Facebook post, calling Obama a murderer of woman and children, and I couldn't resist cracking a joke about how I'd just seen him run a woman and child down in the street last night. No personal attacks, no direct response to anything he'd said, really. Just a quick little bit of absurdity to go with this guy's absurd comment.
His response was to call me a "murderloving jackass" for voting for "Obombya." The guy's attitude was hateful and toxic without provocation, all while he asserted that he had moral superiority for "voting with his conscience" against the "genocide" Obama has been perpetrating with drone strikes. I suggested that it was naive to think that a Republican president would endanger fewer women and children (given their penchant for bellicosity), and that Obama had likely endangered as many as any president has, and less than quite a few. He, of course, wasn't buying it, and threw more insults my way.
I said that the world's a shitty place, and there's little an average person can do about what our military is up to half a world away. I then suggested that instead of vilifying people for voting for six of one or half a dozen of the other (there's less of a difference between the two parties than most people would like to think, in my opinion), that he instead concentrate on what he could control, and start being kinder to the people he interacted with. I may be a murderloving jackass, but I don't go around attacking complete strangers at the drop of a hat. And I really don't think I could go around acting like a hateful asshole while simultaneously claiming to be morally elevated above the people I was attacking for no reason; I think the irony would make my head explode.
I spent a good portion of my 20s concentrating on how awful this world is. How selfish and greedy and willfully ignorant people can be. And do you know what that got me? It exacerbated a pre-existing penchant for clinical depression and made me genuinely wish for release from this shitty world. Only when I stopped staring into the abyss and started trying to fix myself did things get better. I've still got plenty of work to do, but I'm a hell of a lot happier now. And I'm damn sure you're not going to make this world better by being a dick, no matter how strong your convictions are.
Start small. Be a better person. Be kind to the people around you. That'll make more of a difference than calling someone online who disagrees with you a fascist.
Then again, what do I know? I apparently enjoy the deaths of innocent brown people.